November 18, 2011

Baby's Life lessons

As usual, Elton laid his hand on my belly tonight to feel the baby's kicks, turns and punches as he spoke to it. It almost seems like our baby knows it's his daddy talking to him and wants to interact the only way it can right now - by kicking me! 

I whispered excitedly, "We're going to meet our baby face to face in three months! Can you believe it?". Elton smiled and slowly said, "It's going to be the first time you'll understand how much your parents love you." I was stunned to silence. More often than not, I've always thought of myself to have turned out so differently from my parents. Hardly have I thought of myself to become like them. But somehow as I responded, the words flowed out like water, "True." It was the only thing I could think of to say. Amazing. My baby is going to help me see the world in a whole new way. 

November 15, 2011

Chicken Soup

I've been reading this book my sister-in-law, Selina bought me called "Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul". It's truly been a blessing. Each story seemed to have been written just for someone like me - someone who's going through all the ups and downs of pregnancy, missing the life I used to have yet excited about the new life I'm entering into, frustrated about feeling exhausted all the time yet amused each time I feel my baby kick within my belly, exasperated about not being able to reach my toes anymore yet loving it everytime Elton helps me wear my socks, and nervous about parenting for the very first time, hoping I don't screw up too much yet somehow knowing deep inside that this baby is the missing piece in my life. I groan about the tribulations of pregnancy some days but then I'm reminded of the millions of expecting mothers out there in the world going through the same thing and I feel privileged and blessed again. As with any woman about to be a mother for the very first time, it's a pot of mixed feelings. 
This story I read today by Gayle Sorensen Stringer that really touched me heart: 
                In my previous life, before I was reincarnated as a mother of three, I wore clothes that fit and matched.  wore makeup and curled my hair every day. I had my eyebrows waxed and my nails done. But no one gave me graham cracker kisses. No one every told me how pretty I look in sweats.
                In my previous life, I read Time magazine and the newspaper. My repartee of regular television viewing transcended Arthur and The Magic School Bus, and I devoured all the bestselling novels. But on one asked me to read The Velveteen Rabbit at bedtime. No one ever requested The Little Engine that Could.
                 In my previous life, I had a career and friends who were more than three feet tall. People asked for my opinions and entrusted me with important projects and confidential information. I had conversations where not once was mentioned snacks or potties or play dates. But no one asked me my favorite color or why the sky is so blue. No one ever wanted me to sing.
                 In my previous life, I had a life. I frequented aerobics classes, restaurants and the theatre. I hosted parties where the themes had nothing to do with Star Wars or Winnie-the-Pooh. I shopped for myself and slept late on weekends. But no one made me Valentine cards. No one ever gave me dandelion bouquets.
                 In my previous life, I traveled, and my destinations did not hinge on theme parks or swimming pools or nap schedules. The Mayan ruins of the Yucatan, snorkeling in the Caribbean, museum hopping in Italy, Kabuki Theater in Japan...these were my playgrounds. I was the queen of the road and my destiny. But no one asked me to push the swing higher. No one ever invited me to splash in puddles or roll in the snow.
                 In my previous life, I held my emotions in check. I did not stomp my feet or grit my teeth. I could not easily be diminished to tears or tirades. I considered my demeanor as laid-back and easygoing. But no one made me care enough to cry. No one ever just loved me, anyway.
                 In my previous life, I was free. I could carve my own path and follow my dreams. Nothing stood in my way. But the path was unsure and the vision blurred. No one ever gave me purpose enough to soar, Now, I endlessly rearrange piles of laundry, crumbs and toys. I am pulled and tugged, hassled and harassed, stepped on and sat upon, and desperate for some solitude. I am jean-clad and juice-stained, bleary-eyed and graying, underpaid and overwhelmed. And sometimes I wonder who I am and what I've become. Then, one of my children shouts, "Mommy, I need you!" and it is perfectly clear.
                I am the center of the Universe. I am MOM.

November 09, 2011

Big Island tour

My friends Usha and Peter recently came to visit me from Switzerland. So it was the perfect opportunity for me to tour around Oahu to places I still had not seen. We also made a trip to the Big Island where Kilauea Volcano, a live volcano still continues to erupt and shapes the island to this day. It made me realize again, what an amazingly beautiful place Hawaii is and how fortunate I am to be surrounded by such beauty here. So different from the fast paced life in the big cities I'd been gravitating to and energized by in the past. I finally find myself learning to appreciate the slower pace of life here. However, nothing stays the same. Who knows how long I'll stay here. Perhaps there is a time and place for everything. For now, perhaps this is a good break...
Sunset at Sunset Beach at Northbeach on Oahu

Usha and Peter, enjoying the sunset at Sunset Beach on the northbeach area of Oahu 
Once we arrived on the Big Island at Kona on the west coast, we began a road trip along the north coast past a quaint little town that seemed lost in the 1950s called Hawi. Then we got a little lost and somehow ended up at this place - the Palolu lookout at Hapuu Bay. There was a hiking trail that led to the black sand beach below. We couldn't resist and began our hike down. The view was beyond spectacular.
Palolu Lookout of Hapuu Bay on the northeast coast 

View towards the valley at Hapuu Bay while hiking down to the beach below 
A stunning black sand beach, created from a volcanic eruption in the past
Another amazing landscape  of Waipio Valley at the end of the Honoka'a-Waipio road on the northeast coast 

The next day, we drove south along the west coast to another infamous black sand beach - Punalu'u Black sand Beach. The beach is too rocky for swimming though the deep blue water was tempting but it's where the sea turtles lay around in the sun. That was a pretty cool sight.
Punalu'u Black sand Beach on the southwest coast of Big Island 
Punalu'u black sand Beach

Passing by the Puako Bay area on the west side of the Big Island, we stopped to walk along a portion of the Ala Kahakai trail to see interesting ancient petroglyphs left by the Hawaiians before there were road on the island. These petroglyphs were revered as sacred charms that protected the travelers from harm and evil spirits.  
Petroglyphs left by the ancient Hawaiians on this ancient trail that once hugged the west coast of the Big Island
We stayed at the Volcano Village for a couple nights and got a chance to see the glow from KÄ«lauea Volcano which erupted in 1952 and still erupts occasionally to this day! Thankfully, the wind wasn't blowing the sulfuric fumes our way that night.
One of the many craters n the Volcano Park with a live volcano behind

Kilauea Volcano during the day
Kilauea volcano glow at night
Another live volcano within the Volcano Park
A bizarre sight within the Volcanic park where there was only lava from horizon to horizon, barren of any vegetation
A natural volcanic formation of an arch created by the crashing sea waves
Entire shelfs of lava have collapsed into the ocean before so we were warned to proceed with caution

A natural lava formation called Pele's Hair, created when the lava cools as it flows

A natural ground explosion as the lava below cools at a different temperature from the lava on top
The scenic road that once was here in a lush expensive neighborhood, ending abruptly with the lava flowing through
This place once used to be a lush tropical neighborhood for the rich, now covered by miles of lava 
The different colors of the lava up close, formed by minerals like copper, cobalt, sulphur and calcium
Lava Trees Park in Pahoa in the Puna District of the Big Island. It preserves lava molds of the tree trunks that were formed when a lava flow swept through a forested area in 1790. Somehow, these petrified lava logs were an elegant reminder of the trees that once lived here before the live trees that exist there now stand.
Petrified tree stumps at the Lava Trees State Park
Beautiful jurassic trees at the Lava Trees State Park in the Puna District
This Ahalanui Hot Spring area is a natural hot spring salt water pool area because of the volcanic heat from below, making it a comfortable swim, as fresh water from the sea pours in. I didn't take a dip this time but I hope to return one day and lounge in the water for a long long time.
Ahalanui Hot Spring Park at Pahoa (East coast of the Big Island) 
Ahalanui Hot Spring Park