June 06, 2011

Chiku germinating

Chiku is a small brown tropical fruit the size of a large egg. It's also spelt Ciku in Malaysia and is widely found in South East Asian countries. It has the texture of a grainy persimmon and is extremely sweet. Sometimes, almost like a rotten sweetness. I used to enjoy eating this food growing up in Malaysia but I've never been able to find it since moving to the States so I've really missed it as an adult. It's true the saying, the more you don't have, the more you want! It's one of my must-have items everytime I visit Malaysia. So I was delirious when I found some in Chinatown here in Hawaii about 3 months ago and seeded 8 seeds, hoping some would grow out. To my utter disappointment, nothing has happened. I've read that it's a very slow growing plant so I've been very patient. But 3 months is a long time to wait. Elton's has long given up hope and taunts, "I can't believe you're still waiting for those chikus to grow!" Today, I decided to give up. But as I started digging them up, I discovered that 5 of the seeds have actually germinated! There are roots growing out! It really made my day. I suppose it pays to be patient when it comes to farming! Good things are worth waiting for. I've repotted them. I guess all there is to do now is keep my fingers crossed and hope they keep growing.
some of the chiku seeds which have germinated


  1. Same thing happened when I tried planting the avocado seed. I gave up just when it sprouted. Yesterday, I transplanted the 1.5 foot plant... it might not survive though.

  2. Oh boy those are so temperamental, I'm not even going to try. I'll just keep stealing from my neighbor's trees!!

  3. hey....so lovely to find your blog Sandy!!! I'll have to catch on your life by reading your blog. Net's slow these days. Will install Unifi by next week and read!! xoxo (hugs)

  4. Thanks Martha! So good to see you here too! I often find FB too overwhelming to follow these days so blogs are my way of keeping in touch now ironically! What broadband service do you use now? Are my photos not coming up on screen? I'm just curious because I have them on large size and always wonder if they take too long to come up with some connections outside of the US. Lemme know ok?

  5. they're coming up ok now. Have changed to Unifi. Was slower with the other service provider. I usually shrink all my photos before uploading coz of that. Well just caught up with your recent posts. How exciting! Love your photography too! looking forward to more updates as your progress in your pregnancy. It's God's blessing, your baby. :)
