June 08, 2011

Away from Home

My brother just moved to New Zealand. This is his first time living away from home. It’s also his first time being away from all things familiar – family, friends, parents. Everytime we talk, I realize how different each person’s life experiences are. Granted, my brother and I have always been polar opposites. However, even if two people are living in the same place at the same time, I think each person tend to have a different take on things. Afterall, no two people are the same. We’re all unique individuals with unique perspectives on things, outlook on life and motivations. Truth is, we each have our own journeys to walk; our own choices to make, our own destinations to arrive at. And the journey is different for each one of us. Perhaps that’s what’s most important. The journey and not the destination. That journey can make or break our spirit. Being an avid traveller and having lived in three different countries and multiple cities, I've met all kinds of people. The more interesting ones, the ones I find myself drawn to, the ones who inspire me are, ironically, not the ones who are successful; it's not the ones who've made big money; it's not the ones who think their life is over. It's the ones who know their lives are not perfect. They live very ordinary lives but are honest with themselves. Rather than be crippled by their failures, they see opportunities to improve themselves. The make me realize no matter what happens to me, all I need to do is to have the right perspective in life and to keep going. They remind me that eventhough life's not perfect, it's the little things that matter. Being able to laugh, knowing I'm learning everyday, bring able to contribute to something worthwhile, making a difference and being the best I can be for myself, life can be great, nomatter what happens. 

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