September 13, 2011

Ultrasound again

We went for our second ultrasound today. It was amazing to see the baby so well formed already at only 5 months of age. I was amazed by how much it moves or perhaps my baby is extremely fidgety!  It was turning on it's side, to the front and moving its hands around constantly every second! One moment, the hand was on the neck, then it moved above the head, then to the face. Couldn't believe all the fingers were formed already and all the limbs look so strong. At one point, it was kicking its leg like it was throwing a tantrum. I wish I could feel it moving but I still can't feel a single thing at this point. The nurse said some mothers don't feel anything until the 7th month. Can't wait for it to get bigger so I can feel it!
Click on the play button to see the baby's heartbeat
Click on the play button to see the video of the baby sucking its thumb
Click on the play button to see the baby breathing
sucking on its thumb

This is a 3D rendition of the baby at 6oz and 8in(20cm) long. Contrary to popular belief the long object at the bottom is the umbilical cord and not something else...
It already has facial features and we got this picture when it opened its mouth for a moment

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Motherhood is so filled with joy.... Best experience, ever! Lee Peng
