March 15, 2011

Wa’ahila Ridge trail hike

Wa'ahila trail on O'ahu

It literally was a trail on top a ridge of the mountains with Manoa valley to the west and Palolo valley to the east. I had to keep from looking to the bottom too much because sometimes the howling of the wind made me wonder if I might just fall below and never be found! The beauty of the greenery around made me gasp in awe. It's the most beautiful forest playground, a trail passing through an ever-changing landscape from covered in pine trees to rocks, moss, grass and mud. It was freeing wandering deeper and deeper into this green wonderland stepping over roots of trees that had been there for hundreds of years and sometimes looking above through the trees to catch a glimpse of the deep blue sky above. 
Norfolk Pines in the park where the trail starts
the gorgeous ridge trail begins
feels like a walk through fairyland
most of the trail is hidden under thick shrubs shading the sun and wind off of hikers 
certain parts of the trails require some fun climb over large rocks 
a lovely staircase of roots on this ridge
The best part was that I was almost alone. I probably ran into less than 10 people in the 3 hours of hiking. The Wa'ahila trail came close to an end with the trees opening up to the blue sky and I could see Manoa Valley on the west and Palolo Valley to the east. I think living in China really made me appreciate natural beauty and fresh air more than I can ever imagine forever. I'm thankful to be in a place where the natural fauna are well protected with many 'sacred' areas that remain untouched. Sometimes, the best things in life are free and no amount of money can ever buy. And for some things, once it's gone, it's gone forever.
Ko'alau range and Waikki
The trail ends at the end of the ridge and continues into Kolowalu trail. The summit is prohibited because it's a restricted watershed area. It was beautiful to look at. After traversing 
through the last two hours of this forestry I wondered what more beauty that area had to offer.
Facing east: the hues of green in the Palolo Valley restricted watershed area was amazing to gaze upon
where Wa'ahila ridge trail and Kolowalu trail intersects
this mossy area was so cozy, I could've slept on it for hours
I went home today feeling oddly healed. Being surrounded by such stunning beauty in its purest forms made me come to terms with a lot - myself, my life, people in my life, my priorities. Being here by myself, this open space, the freedom to roam these mountains, fresh air, sunshine, big blue sky, wind blowing all around, beautiful trees flourishing all by themselves, it was freeing, it was so easy to see clearly. I was surrounded by nothing and yet it was everything. My heart felt like it was bursting with fullness and life. I was happy. It was easy to find peace here. Perhaps at this moment, I could see God. His beauty. His love. His magnificent work. It was wondrous.
 big old roots providing a safe walkway along this steep ridge
back at the trail head


  1. This is more like my kind of hike. Love how lush and green it is.

  2. It was the most beautiful hike I've ever seen. Amazing how the landscape kept changing like I was passing through different forests! Must be all those years of separate lava flows creating different soil contents each time.

  3. Sandra, what an amazing track! Awesome. Maybe I can find one nearer to Malaysia :-) Christina
