May 10, 2011

Blooming garden

Since we planted our vegetable garden three weeks ago, the plants are finally starting to fruit. We've cooked the choi sum and found it was the sweetest and most tender choi sum we've ever tasted. By next month, we'll be eating tons of fresh produce from our garden. I can't wait for our tomatoes to ripen so I can start making my own spaghetti sauces, making sichuan eggplant with my filipino eggplants, stirfry greens and chilli okras. Yummy!
Mustard cabbage surrounded by smaller Bok Choi
Choi sum
Choi sum and other greens
Okra(ladies finger) peeking out 
Filipino eggplant
unripe Hawaiian oranges which will grow into a deep orange and three times bigger
Box Roma tomatoes turning red soon...I hope
unripe Beefsteak tomatoes which will be bigger than my palm once ripe

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