July 23, 2011

First Trimester woes

This was a very hormonal week for me. Since my pregnancy, I'm doing better on some days, some are not. It reminded me of my 6th week of pregnancy. I'd never been so hormonal in my life. I was extremely exhausted. Had to sleep often through the day. My appetite was insatiable. I couldn't seem to eat enough of anything and yet i feel nauseated almost constantly. My emotions are also all over the place. One moment I feel so happy and in love but the next moment, something really trivial could trigger the worst temper within me. Added to that, I experienced dizziness, headache, my face felt puffy and my tummy felt bloated. Also, there was this odd metallic taste on my tongue which I had to keep washing down with water and for some reason, couldn't really taste much when I ate. But the worst thing was the emotional swings. I couldn't understand what was happening to me! It didn't help that a friend confessed to me that she felt like scheming to kill her husband a couple times during her pregnancy! I know now why people say that couples should be strongly rooted in love before wanting to have kids or it can tear people apart.

I am looking forward to being in my second trimester when the female body is supposedly the most stable and all pregnancy symptoms miraculously disappear for most women.

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