July 17, 2011

Point Panic Beach Park

We started something new today in an effort to spend some quality time doing something together every weekend - BBQ at a beach. A new beach every week until we find our favorite spots. This one, close to downtown turned out to be a pretty good surf spot. Today, we forgot the mosquito repellent, Elton forgot to pack my veggies and we didn't bring quite enough liquids but we tried to look beyond it and have a great time still. Good thing I brought my new birthday present and started trying to catch some surfers in action. 

father and son watching the action 
a young boy watching out for the crashing waves 

Some body boarders. Unfortunately I missed photographing some hardcore ones who did it without a board!

 it was fun watching this body boarder spinning 360˚ on the wave
appetizers - grilled shrimp on the barbie

plane from the airport nearby flying into the sunset

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