July 19, 2011


I was more nervous than excited about the ultrasound appointment for some reason I cannot explain even to this day. Perhaps it still hadn't really settled in my head that I was pregnant. Elton was obviously excited and later confessed to me that he had secretly hoped we had twins. But nothing prepared me for the experience of meeting my baby for the very first time. As soon as it came up on screen, I squealed in delight. I couldn't stop! It was so overwhelming that my doctor had to shush me up! Elton's reaction was somewhat cuter. Once he saw the baby, he grabbed my hand like a little boy and inched his face towards me. I turned to him and the sight was endearing. His face glowed with a Cheshire cat's grin like he just got his favorite Christmas present. He continued to squeeze my finger as the doctor scanned my uterus to show that there was indeed only one child and not twins. I suppose it would have been nice to kill two birds with one stone, getting two kids instead of one since we're older and time isn't on our side but still, seeing this one kid was overwhelming. I think it was the first time I truly realized that I was going to be the mother. And I was so grateful for our child, such a beautiful miracle. I couldn't believe it was living in my belly. When we were alone, Elton stared at the printed scan of our baby and said, "It's a cutie". In my heart, I wondered how would he know? All we've seen is a scan of a tiny peanut sized fetus sitting in my belly with a heart beat of 172 beats per second! Yet he said it so confidently, flowing so naturally from him mouth without a single trace of doubt, that all I could do was wrap my arms around him and say, "He is, isn't he?". Eventhough we didn't know its sex, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that we now cannot wait to hold it in our arms. For us, it'll be the cutest baby in the world, though we both know it'll come out like all babies - a big ugly ball of wrinkles, it'll be the cutest, most gorgeous baby we'll have ever seen. Hopefully we won't be so vain but probably borderline...


  1. Congrats! I'm re-living the moment through you :)

  2. Yeah, hard not to, huh? I still cannot believe it everytime I look at it. So so real!
