April 05, 2011

Lili'uokalani Botanical Garden

There's something about water, especially at a waterfall that is soothing and seems to make the cares of the world melt away. Children love playing in water. When adults get into it, they become children again. Once you put your feet in the water, you can't seem to get out. It feels so good, you just want to linger and time stands still. I went to a place that made me feel that way today - Lili'uokalani Botanical Garden. This used to be a part of a 7½ acre garden which Queen Lili-uokalani frequented for picnics. She was Hawaii's last reigning monarch (1838-1917).  When the government was overthrown by pro-American forces orchestrated by Sanford B. Dole (yes, the  first cousin of the founder of Dole Pineapple), she bequethed her land to be used for the public's enjoyment.

It seemed bizarre to walk on lava rocks which were once sat or stepped on by members of the Hawaiian royal family. I could see why she loved the place. Its old banyan trees with its roots straggling down to the stream, lava rocks to sit on, low flowing water, the cool of the shade from the hot sun, sound of the water tricking all around was mesmerizing. It must have taking her away from the business and politics of her official duties. I could've stayed here all day.
I loved the Welcome sign also printed in Hawaiian 

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