April 06, 2011

Pond remodelling

The pond at our new place was really bad shape - the grass was dying, the trees were overgrown creating too much sun shade, the pond hadn't been cleaned in years. It needed a little uplifting so I undertook the endeavor of creating my first ever Japanese pond. It took me two weeks with a lot of help from Jesse and Elton trimming trees back, pulling out grass, weeds, all the plants and removing fencing. In went low lying plants like durantas, schefflera gold finger, nishi juniper, fern asparagus, lavender boutin and false heather. We even have a new pot of winter spinach (kangkung) growing in the pond! Finally, I rearranged the rocks so we could put in a pump to revive the waterfall. The patchy grass was replaced with white marble chips but I replanted certain areas with new grass to create some flow. Now, not only can the koi in the pond breathe better, I have a patio with a view to enjoy my morning tea! Here's the before and after.
Waterlily flowering

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