April 24, 2011

Molokai Day 3

Fishing was the name of the game today. Basically Elton and Misty did a lot of the catching. I did a lot of the watching. It was fun seeing them reeling in fish. We had to return from back to the ocean as they were below the regulated size for fishing or were the types you don't want to eat or are just too beautiful to eat like those bright yellow butterfly fishes often seen in aquariums. I had no idea fishes were so beautiful in color when they're alive and amazing to see how the colors fade as they die. When they're on the plate, their stunning color completely fades to plain grey and white that we so often see on our plates. Here are some videos of the catches we ate later tonight. They were absolutely delicious. Fresh from the ocean!

I tried something new today which was delicious - red cream soda. It's like strawberry flavored cream soda. 

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