February 03, 2011

Loving someone

I saw a different side to my other half last night. It suddenly made me wonder what really makes relationships work. Is it just a matter of communication? Do people have to be alike for a relationship work? If so, how alike? And what are the essential components that need to be in our relationship for us to want to make it work? 

Relationships are difficult. It's the coming together of two entities with entirely different coping mechanisms, habits, definitions of words and actions. Sometimes, it can feel like a clashing of two entirely different planets from entirely different galaxies! And you wonder, "What was I thinking of?", "Why am I putting myself through this?"!

What are relationships ultimately about? I think it's this: It's about wanting to be with someone whom you feel connected to somehow. Someone who makes you feel good about yourself because in his eyes, you're the one. Someone you know you want to be there for when things are difficult for them. Someone who appreciates you for who you are and not what they want you to be.  Sometimes, it's all about the right timing. Someone who has a common goal in life. The bottom line is knowing that we prefer to be together rather than without each other in our lives despite it all. And sometimes, that puts things in perspective and it makes everything alright.

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