February 22, 2011

Go-Kart Racing

If you have never Go-Kart Raced before or know nothing about the technique to race a car, don't go racing with a bunch of people who love race cars or worse, a bunch of people who actually engineered and built a formula style car to race...you will lose face. That is in fact what I did last night. 
Elton had a reunion with his friends from his college days at University of Hawaii. We had a nice mellow dinner then adjourned to the Podium Raceway to do some indoor go-kart racing. I figured it could be fun so I hopped on the bandwagon. I was completely deceived by these laid back, unassuming, good natured looking friends I just made. Once we got into the cars, they turned into killing machines on the race track; natural born drivers who calculated the risk and speed as they approached every turn; concocting the perfect slide then gunning it to the next turn. They smoked me! Next time, I'm going with non-experts! 

There's no denying the exhilaration one feels behind the wheel, trying to control the car, feeling the shuddering of the steering wheels with each turns and seeing the other cars from the ground level. Not to mention putting on the race helmet and feeling like Nicole Kidman in Days of Thunder when I pull it off! I couldn't help feeling proud to see the girls holding their own so well against the guys. After it was over, they eagerly anticipated the printout of the breakdown of best laps everyone did and the overall winner. I think I heard, "Whoa that was so cool!" about 10 times. If there wasn't a 1 hour wait, I think they would've raced 5 more times!
I saw another side of my beau tonight - the dare devil when he's behind the wheels of a devilish race engine. It was sexy. It's like he came alive for one moment that empowered him in a way only a super charged adrenalin rush can. Later he told me, "I'll teach you." 

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